The Friendship and Fruit of the Holy Spirit - On Wednesday evening, I enjoyed a conversation with my friend Mark Gyde. For the past 15 years Mark has hosted a weekly webcast with Barry Adams, and it wa...1 day ago
Shut Your Mouth - We have started another round of teaching a child to drive. We do some off road sessions to get the basics across the line. 'Yes you need to put the clut...2 days ago
Mark's Review of House of David on Amazon Prime - How refreshing - a big budget, well produced and well acted Biblical epic on Amazon Prime *House of David*. At the beginning of each episode (6 in Series 1...2 days ago
What’s Another Year…. - Where I started yesterday, and where I finished. It’s been a long old road! I couldn’t weave at all until about three weeks ago. I have developed a (as yet...4 days ago
George Orwell’s Works – an overview for Christians - Why should Christians read George Orwell? … Continue reading →1 month ago
Does God have anything to do with coping with Cancer? - Does religious faith have a valid role to play in helping people on their cancer journeys? We have two different answers today over on my Blood Cancer Un...2 months ago
Welcome - Hello, I’m Jon Cressey – welcome to “My Notes.” The site has moved – if you are not automatically transferred please click here – I will try to fix this a...2 months ago
Where are you God?: Themes from The Stranger - I am delighted to welcome Joy Margetts to my blog today, with a guest piece that looks at the themes of her latest book: The Stranger. Joy is a fantastic...4 months ago
Sample Post #12 - This is just placeholder text. Don’t be alarmed, this is just here to fill up space since your finalised copy […]8 months ago
Detecting if an HTML colour is light or dark - WordPress ships with the Farbtastic color picker, which is great if you want users to be able to select a colour. For a recent plugin I wanted users to be ...8 months ago
Midsummer - [image: Midsummer] Today is Midsummer’s Eve and the beginning of the BIGGEST celebration in the Swedish calendar. Yes bigger than Christmas, yes bigger th...9 months ago
Is Revenge a Dish Best Served Cold? - 'Revenge is a dish best served cold' is a saying attributed to a French novel of the 18th Century, but frequently quoted in the 21st. It probably came ou...11 months ago
How Envato Elements Boosts Your Productivity and Workflow - Craving unlimited creative fuel for your video projects, design ventures, or marketing campaigns? Envato Elements might be your answer. Stepping into thi...1 year ago
Music Maker - The recent AI conversations I’ve heard and images I’ve seen have been so impressive that I wondered if anyone had created AI music using the same technolog...2 years ago
My Blog is Moving to a New Home - I wanted to let you know that my blog is moving to a new home. After many years on Google's blogger site it is moving to be integrated into our Kerith we...3 years ago
Self-Care: 5 Benefits + 10 Easy to Use Ideas to Practice - Practicing self-care can help you feel more energised and confident. It can also lead to improved relationships. In contrast, by neglecting your self-car...3 years ago
Our Christian Heritage - One evening in 1956, Terry’s sister came home and had a chat with him. “I’ve become a Christian”, she announced. Terry wasn’t interested. “Aren’t we all Ch...3 years ago
cornish pasties and raspberry jam - After watching The Great British Bake Off recently, the episode where they were tasked with producing Cornish Pasties, I knew I had to make some that more ...4 years ago
Appreciation - Appreciation is the grease that keeps relationships moving. Nothing is more powerful to convey the value of an individual. Genuine appreciation feeds the...5 years ago
200 words on Godric - *Godric*, by Frederick Buechner, first published in 1981. If you’ve ever read even the briefest of hagiographies – a record of a Saint’s life that seems...5 years ago
The Structure of John 9 - The man born blind - The account of the man born blind has a very elegant structure, which greatly aids in seeing the purpose of the passage. The basic structure is easily d...5 years ago
Truth and lies - We are now on day 12 of the strike and things have got more serious. Tragically two people were killed on Wednesday in conflict between government supporte...5 years ago
Interview: Mistakes & Magic – Fifty Five Stories Down with Matt Blick - Nicholas Tozier of the Lyric Writer’s Workroom interviewed me recently about my new album Fifty Five Stories Down (available here). What artists inspired y...5 years ago
Prayer-Goals For Our Sabbatical – 4 Fs - Leanne and I are about to start a 6 week sabbatical, stepping away from both church work and HubSpot work. One of our advisory team members is also taking ...5 years ago
The Window and the Mirror: A Good Friday Meditation - Windows and mirrors have something in common, they both enable us to see things that ordinarily would remain hidden to us. We can’t see through walls. Wind...5 years ago
Cambodia – Sunday afternoon update - So, it’s Sunday afternoon and I thought it might be worth updating you as to our weekend! After arriving on Friday evening, we were met at our hotel by Rut...6 years ago
Read Best Seller Scarlet Sister Mary Online Book - [image: Scarlet Sister Mary] Authors:Julia Peterkin Published on: 1998-10-01 Publisher: University of Georgia Press Pages: 376 ISBN:0820323772 ISBN13: 978...6 years ago
Our Living Hope - *Not sure what happens with my blog...or me writing my blog! Can't believe I've been away from it for almost two months. Oh well, no condemnation! Let's pi...6 years ago
Even now you could fix this EU (and the UK) - The subject of the EU has long being a polarising subject in the UK, but what is striking about the response to the referendum is that, rather than it bein...6 years ago
Why is Zoe Broken? - With the addition to the new Champion Zoe into League of Legends, people are already begging for nerfs. From the Champion designer that created Yasuo and K...7 years ago
Biblical Theology 7: Biblical Theology of the Gospels 3 - *Biblical Theology of Jesus and the Gospels- Survey in Matthew Contd* - Jesus is the new latter day Moses who leads Israel back to God - Matthew 8:1-...7 years ago
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly––Part Three - Now we have landed at the final part in this mini-series, a catch up on what is happening with my family in Tallinn–what has happened in the case of the f...8 years ago
Stories from the Mad Stad - We had a great time at our One Church celebration on Sunday. It was brilliant to start with good news stories of answers to prayer and what God is doing ...8 years ago
You may have noticed that I’ve not blogged here for a... - You may have noticed that I’ve not blogged here for a while. There’s a reason for that. I have moved my blogging home to *Everyday Voices*. I’m now blogg...8 years ago
Why do we like sales? - At this time of year, it's easy to be seduced by sales tickets, promising an item at a price advertised as significantly lower than at a previous time. In...8 years ago
The Strange Good News - [SOME SPOILERS AHEAD!] It’s three days since I saw Doctor Strange with Amy and many scenes and quotes and threads are still swirling around my head like so...8 years ago
Why we're changing our name to Grace Church - This coming Sunday (11th Sept) we switch from being Salisbury City Church to being Grace Church. The reason for the change can be summed up in one word: MI...8 years ago
Could do better… - Ironically, and somewhat comically, I wrote this blog post last week but didn’t upload it because I didn’t think it was good enough. God certainly has a se...8 years ago
Luca Anderson - I'm guessing that by now many in RFC will have heard the tragic news that Luca Anderson died on Sunday night (3rd July). His death was unexpected and as ye...8 years ago
4 reasons why every Christian should be pro-life - I wrote an article a few weeks ago for Premier Christianity Blog which was picked up by Lifenews.com and shared a couple of thousand times and can be viewe...8 years ago
#euref What is the EU Anyway? - The EU referendum campaign is underway, and a lot of people don’t think they know enough to decide how to vote. So I thought I’d try explaining it all. Thi...8 years ago
Every story whispers his name - Since my first son was very young Sally Lloyd-Jones' The Jesus Storybook Bible has been staple reading in our house. We've probably read it 60-70 times t...8 years ago
An Attempt at Objectivity - As George Osborne’s first Conservative only Government budget was being delivered yesterday my Twitter and Facebook feeds began to be filled with anger, pa...9 years ago
22 January - My sweet mama would have been 52 today. It’s been 11 years since she squeezed my hands reassuringly as she always used to do. I realise that I’ve missed he...9 years ago
You’re Being Watched… - The Western world has been enjoying the “Elf on the Shelf” phenomenon for the last few years now. But just in case you’ve missed it, let me read you an exc...9 years ago
Number 10 - I don’t often post on this blog anymore, but lastnight something fairly noteworthy happened. I became the 10th Elder of Everyday Church – a fairly sizeable...9 years ago
A tribute (part 2) - It's been a long time since I have blogged...I don't really know why. I have been meaning to write some summer memoirs but haven't quite got around to i...9 years ago
New Churchcentral Blog - This is no longer the Churchcentral blog! We have a nice shiny, new version. Check it out here: http://www.churchcentral.org.uk/blog/wp-admin/post-new.php ...9 years ago
The Little Things In Life - Sometimes we have bad times in life, we go through seasons where everything is hard and the stress just gets to us. A lot of us will be looking in the fa...9 years ago
GBS Update: Friday 19th June 2015 - These blog updates began five years ago. I had been very ill in hospital and, being Christians, we had friends around the world who wanted to pray up-t...9 years ago
...by confessing to each other - 'Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.' James 5:16 (N...10 years ago
CALEDONIA.. - I haven't written a post for so long I had trouble even logging in !! I have had lots of thoughts running around in my head for last few months but never r...10 years ago
A hardening of the heart - A lazy day, sprawled out on the beach, inhaling the sweet scent of summer and the excited chatter of children. High in the cloudless sky the sun shone brig...10 years ago
Guernsey Gazette 2014 - Pardonnez-nous, Entschuldigung, triste, scusate, συγνώμη, 遺憾, извините, सॉरी, מצטער, desculpe, آسف, my bad. There is just no easy way around this. Profuse ...10 years ago
The Maze Runner (2014) - Watch Movie The Maze Runner High QualityDownload The Maze Runner For Free with duration 113 Min and released on 2014-09-19 and MPAA rating is 145. [image...10 years ago
New Blog! - Hello! The new blog is finally here! I am quite excited… so please do head over to my new blog. There are some posts over there which are from this blog, b...10 years ago
notes to self | #heishere - *"...in the chaos, in confusion, I know You're sovereign, still..."* *#heishere* (lyrics from *None but Jesus*, by Hillsong United)10 years ago
The Nations - I love living in Ealing - it is so diverse - there are 172 nationalities that reside here! I so enjoy that Redeemer is made up from people from around the ...10 years ago
David W's Sabbatical (Summer 2014) - I am very grateful to have been given an opportunity at my request to take a 2-month sabbatical beginning May 25 and ending July 25. A sabbatical is a r...10 years ago
I mentioned circumcision once, but I think I got away with it. - It’s part of human nature to try and hide away embarrassing details about our lives or about what we believe. Whether that’s the baby photos your mum shows...11 years ago
Another Rainy Football Season? - It surely couldn't happen again? After the 2012-2013 season being decimated by waterlogged pitches, this season has been just the same! This is so disappo...11 years ago
The Birthday Baboon - Three days ago I handed in my masters thesis and, now that I have my life back, I decided that one of the steps towards reintegration into normal life shou...11 years ago
Some Book Reviews - This year has been an extremely busy one for me. My main focus at church has been on running a year-long leadership training course, and I’ve also been cre...11 years ago
Looking forward… - It’s been some time since I last blogged … in part because I’ve been working on and writing the content for our church plant website, which all being well ...11 years ago
Prayer - a dumping ground of responsibility? - I’ve heard it said that we shouldn’t pray for that which we can answer ourselves. In other words, don’t be asking God to help someone if you yourself can...11 years ago
News - Hello! So I haven't posted here for a long time, and here's one of the reasons: That's right. I've been slightly pre-occupied over the last ...11 years ago
Prayer walking in Stockholm - In a just two weeks time we’ll be hosting a prayer weekend for our church plant. We have two aims: to pray for our city and to pray for our church plant....11 years ago
Reports from Cwmbran - Two people I trust have been to Cwmbran and I am delighted to read their experiences. Click their names to see their reviews. Graham Pyman leads Jubilee C...11 years ago
Exciting News - Well, I’ve ben talking about it for a while, but the day is finally (almost) here! This Friday, 3 May 2013, I will be launching my NEW WEBSITE! Whoop! It’s...11 years ago
A Story for Easter: Sacrifice and forgiveness in WW2 - I first read Ernest Gordon’s fascinating and moving book, “Miracle on the River Kwai” about twenty years ago. (The book had first been published nearly thi...11 years ago
Are you Sinking? - Over the past few months God has been speaking to me a lot about His grace. What I'm realising is that although I've been a Christian for around 16 years m...12 years ago
The Countdown Begins - In just over a week's time I'll be going into hospital for yet another operation on my knee. This time, it is for the resurfacing of my kneecap. There is a...12 years ago
Supernatural Shopping - I had been praying in the morning before my weekly trip to town, about doing more for God and what was it all about etc, you know the type of thing! I thin...12 years ago
End of Year exams in progress - This week, the 1st and 2nd year apprentices wrote their end of year exam. Spiritual was set and marked by Stephen Manhanga and Simangaliso Ndlovu. Busine...12 years ago
Planting Churches With Ninja Children - We have been in Manchester for 3 years and 4 months. By we I mean the Simmonds family. The Manchester branch of the Simmonds family includes me (Husband, D...12 years ago
PARENTING, PART 7 - *The gospel in the messiness of life* One of the best pieces of parenting advice I ever received was at a parenting seminar I attended as a youth worker b...12 years ago
Start disciple-making sooner (and a book I wrote) - Since starting Destination Church in Chicago we have experience the good, the bad and ugly of church planting. We started with a very small team and after...12 years ago
WEAPONS IN THE SANCTUARY - This powerful message from Mahesh Chavda is worth reading. We need unity, to be in God's house and to use the weapons He has made available for us *House...12 years ago
Leader: How Charismissional Are You (and Your Church?) - Leader: How Charismissional Are You (and Your Church?) By Keith Gamon A recent set of discussions surrounding this whole debate with other leaders from our...12 years ago
Moving - I have decided to revamp and move my weblog. I have left a few posts here that people are still reading and may find useful. All the other posts I have mov...12 years ago
A Word for Pastors - Here is a recording of a 15 minute talk I gave at a regional pastors gathering talking about some of the highs and lows of what we do, and how we should re...12 years ago
Hitting hard. - I love those moments when God taps you on the shoulder and says ‘I told you so’. There are points in your life when you realise that there are things tha...12 years ago
Back in Beijing.. - As I write, I am sat just half a mile from Tiananmem Sq having breakfast. It's Saturday and we (I'm traveling with Steve, my son) have just one more day he...12 years ago
Did He Die for This? - In my last blog post I mentioned the delight of time away on a retreat for some rest and restoration. The place in which I took the retreat is actually the...12 years ago
Chocolate Avalanche Cake - It's a tradition in our family for me and Andy to make the children the biggest, chocolatiest (is that a word?!), most outrageous cakes for their birthdays...12 years ago
Moving on... - To my ever decreasing readership, the time has come to try something new, so onwards into tumblr territory... for some reason i've become frightened to po...12 years ago
One Year On - “Pick the day. Enjoy it – to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come… The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present – and I don’t want...12 years ago
The Provision of God - Hi friends, I had a lovely surprise this very afternoon as I opened up the post to find a beautiful cheque with my name written on it from the tax office...12 years ago
AskGodFirst - If you had 60 seconds with God - what would you ask Him? This is a survey conducted by GodFirst and we would really appreciate your participation. We lo...12 years ago
Forward motion for men… - A shameless plug for an outstanding event… What is it? Movement is an annual men’s event to inspire and train godly men for influence and leadership in the...12 years ago
what a week!!! - final Updates from Cambodia Enjoy! http://jubileetocambodia2012.wordpress.com/ http://jubileetocambodia2012.wordpress.com/12 years ago
E: 1 Timothy - General Comments - *Please add below any comments on the book's Category, Key Words, Key verses, Literary Style, Emotional Tone, Main Theme(s) and Major People.* *All of this...13 years ago
God of love, God of judgement? - This question goes to the very nature and character of God. Why, if God is loving and merciful, is he not be more tolerant and accepting? The Home Office h...13 years ago
Last Blog Post... - I want to thank all who are following my posts on my blog site. It’s an honor to be able to share with others who are on Christ’s mission together. I have ...13 years ago
The Birth Of Jesus-A Prophetic Awakening - After the death of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, the last Old Testament prophets to write scripture, there were no more recognized prophets in Israel for ...13 years ago
Newday 2011 We Are Yours - The Newday 2011 live album is out now on iTunes £7.95! BUY NOW Track listing: Here For You No One Better We Are Yours Devotion 10,000 Reasons Father Like N...13 years ago
My last mantis of the year? - I found this brown mantis almost a month ago at the arboretum, at my final public bug safari tour of the year. I was hoping I would see at least one more m...13 years ago
Remind me, why is Jesus better than sex. - Sat here, at a company paid event, surrounded by incredibly attractive female interns, and enough free alcohol to float a ship full of attractive female in...13 years ago
Nigeria, A hurting land - I just bumped into this article about Nigeria through the Not Ashamed Facebook page. Source: foreignpolicy.com "Last week Plateau State, of which Jos is ...13 years ago
He asked me to marry him. - Well girls... he got down on one knee. It was a beautiful day and he had taken me for a surprise day out to a National Trust property with beautiful garden...13 years ago
Not to condone or condemn - "For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by o...13 years ago
Prayer on the Square - Update - Hello friends, As it's been a while since we uploaded any content or testimonies I thought I would upload our new flyer that we will be taking out with us...13 years ago
The mission of God - Just reading "*total* Church" by Steve Timmis and Tim Chester and this made me think today.... In his book The mission of God, Chris Wright shows that the...13 years ago
Watching the disaster unfold - Who will ever forget the scenes of utter destruction and force of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. I sat spell bound watching the disaster unfold. By P...13 years ago
Living and Dying - *'Let me die- lest I die- only let me see Thy face'-* Augustine Tozer comments: *'To Augustine the sight of God inwardly enjoyed was life itself and anyt...13 years ago
Highlights of the Term! - Ok, I have been a terrible blogger this past term. Apologies all. But, the term itself has actually been full of some amazing highlights and God moments, s...13 years ago
Church Planting with a difference - Here's a great church planting story from the guys as Act29 network. An Intentionally Missional Lifestyle from Acts 29 Network on Vimeo.14 years ago
Genesis 12 to 14 - Abram is called by God at the start of chapter 12; this is the beginning of the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mandaeism, it is said ...14 years ago
Interview with Amie Fox - Amie Fox has been a member at Jubilee Church for eight years and has been on staff for six. This Sunday is her final Sunday with us as she will be moving t...14 years ago
The goings on of my heart - There has been so much going on lately that I’m not really sure what to write about but I guess the big thing this week could be summed up in a word. Sur...14 years ago
It starts.... - My children are 8,6 and 4 but it's amazing how quickly they seem to grow up these days. And each new age/stage of their lives brings its own challenges. Th...14 years ago
Hardy's Tess - Amongst the books I'm reading currently, one of the most interested has been 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' by Thomas Hardy. My Dad protests whenever Hardy or...14 years ago
Some thoughts on the Christology of Karl Rahner - After quite a lot of reading on Rahner's Christology, some threads are beginning to come together. This post will deal in very brief terms with some of the...14 years ago
Wives and Husbands - Ephesians 5:21-33 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife...15 years ago
Messy Church, Part 2: Messed Up Together - 1 Corinthians 1:1-17 In a nutshell: The church in Corinth was a mess. It was made up of people who were acting far too much like citizens of the city of Co...15 years ago
a meaningful ministry... and the best is yet to come! - It wasn’t NewDay (that would start the following summer), but it was a New Frontiers summer youth camping event, with a schedule of worship and preaching a...15 years ago
Get in the Game! - If you have found the past five weeks of notes helpful, you can now download the complete set of notes as a PDF here.15 years ago
44 - Josh and Jack both put down their drinks and looked at Stuart, who was sitting there with a stupid grin all over his face. “Just sayin’ boys! Don’t let it ...15 years ago
Exam results - Today this years A level results arrive. Again, there is going to be a record amount of passes, which the government will laud as improvement in education ...15 years ago
Top Church Websites - Emmanuel Greenwich
Visit Emmanuel Church website
Redeemer: Live Worship from Grace Church Chichester

The Blurb says, "Featuring songwriters and worship leaders from within the Newfrontiers movement – such as Cathy Burton, Jo Petch and Martin Copper – ‘Redeemer’ matches great lyrical content with an incredible sound. Credit for that is largely due to the talents of producer Paul Burton (Delirious, Athlete, Snow Patrol, Soul Survivor Live) who has managed to deliver an album that sounds as though it has come straight from the studio, yet retains all the intimacy and
urgency of those seemingly endless worship soakings."
Nigel begins blogging
Why I’ve done this
The purpose is not to keep people in touch with my diary etc (I don’t think people would be interested!!) but to write it as an alternative to the book which I have been considering writing for several years. Due to the limited market that would have reached, however, I have never felt the time was right. Now with electronic communication I feel I have an appropriate vehicle.
What I hope you’ll learn
Through this blog I would like to share some of the experience I have gained over nearly 3 decades working with Terry. There will be 2 primary threads – Administration in the Church and Kingdom, and Ministry Embracing The Poor. However, I shall ‘side track’ on occasion as seems appropriate to include some overseas visit reports etc.
Discussion and on-going help
I am not opening the blog up to a discussion forum. However, I would always be interested to hear from any who may have questions. My heart is to help facilitate good practice in any area I touch and I would be pleased to offer advice if you think I can help.
I hope you will find this interesting and helpful. Feedback and suggestions would be welcome.
NF Blog #97 Josh John
NF Blog #96 Grant Van Schalkwyk
Also in the South West...
Andy Cottingham at Honiton.
Ian Jukes about to arrive in Exmouth.
Dave Bish at Exeter.
Going to University?
Top Church Websites - Emmanuel Greenwich
Visit Emmanuel Church website
Redeemer: Live Worship from Grace Church Chichester

The Blurb says, "Featuring songwriters and worship leaders from within the Newfrontiers movement – such as Cathy Burton, Jo Petch and Martin Copper – ‘Redeemer’ matches great lyrical content with an incredible sound. Credit for that is largely due to the talents of producer Paul Burton (Delirious, Athlete, Snow Patrol, Soul Survivor Live) who has managed to deliver an album that sounds as though it has come straight from the studio, yet retains all the intimacy and
urgency of those seemingly endless worship soakings."
Nigel begins blogging
Why I’ve done this
The purpose is not to keep people in touch with my diary etc (I don’t think people would be interested!!) but to write it as an alternative to the book which I have been considering writing for several years. Due to the limited market that would have reached, however, I have never felt the time was right. Now with electronic communication I feel I have an appropriate vehicle.
What I hope you’ll learn
Through this blog I would like to share some of the experience I have gained over nearly 3 decades working with Terry. There will be 2 primary threads – Administration in the Church and Kingdom, and Ministry Embracing The Poor. However, I shall ‘side track’ on occasion as seems appropriate to include some overseas visit reports etc.
Discussion and on-going help
I am not opening the blog up to a discussion forum. However, I would always be interested to hear from any who may have questions. My heart is to help facilitate good practice in any area I touch and I would be pleased to offer advice if you think I can help.
I hope you will find this interesting and helpful. Feedback and suggestions would be welcome.
NF Blog #97 Josh John
NF Blog #96 Grant Van Schalkwyk
Also in the South West...
Andy Cottingham at Honiton.
Ian Jukes about to arrive in Exmouth.
Dave Bish at Exeter.
Going to University?
Adrian by virtue of his initials, is first up for a blog review. Sean Green made a comment when I first floated the idea, that we all blog ...
The more I've blogged the more I've read other blogs and here I'm listing all the blogs I can find from the family of churches I...
Newfrontiers Bloggers is proud to welcome a new nation to the Newfrontiers worldwide community of bloggers - King's Church youth group f...