Next up is the godfather of Christian blogs - Adrian Warnock has been blogging since, well almost since blogs began (or at least it seems like that). It's a massive blog, with posts going back to 2003 and has loads of quality content - live blogging of conferences including Together on a Mission and New Word Alive, interviews, videos, audio and some really respected names have had the Warnie treatment - Terry Virgo, Mark Driscoll, Don Carson, John Piper, Wayne Grudem...the list goes on. So, for all aspiring bloggers....Adrian Warnock's blog has almost become a must add to your blog feed (whatever you use). Here's the facts:
Location: London
Church: Jubilee Church, London
Blog birth: April 2003
Frequency: Every day (sometimes more than once)
Content: Broad - Church life, wider christian leader interviews, books, quotes, sermons
Post length: Varies - from the very long to the not quite short
Comments: Adrian used to get loads of comments, but have now been removed. Not a problem most bloggers have!
Blog type: No idea...
Design: 3 column, white background and despite Adrian being a committed Mac user personally the design is the least appealing (to me at least) part of his blog. But substance should always be more important that style!
So yesterday I took the plunge and joined a gym. Eeek! I'm not really a gym
type person. I tend to convince myself that there are so many workouts
2 days ago
I have appealed to him about the quality of the design for some time... :)
I know for such a big blog and one so well visited, it's so not easy on the eye
But as you note, content is king and will all the big-name contacts and interviews he manages to wangle I guess he can get away with it...
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